
LVRTC logo

Latvia State Radio and Television Center

LVRTC is a 100% state owned company that is tasked with ensuring that every person in Latvia is able to quickly and securely receive and transmit information. Since its establishment, the company has accumulated and improved its know-how that has helped in introducing radio and television broadcasting systems in Latvia. And during the last decade, it has also helped in developing and strengthening its competences in data transmission, data center, trust services and cyber security areas. Our specialist knowledge, cool mind, curiosity and creative enthusiasm that have driven our technological development have also supported LVRTC customers and partners.

“Tet” Ltd.

Tet is one of the largest technology companies in the Baltics, creating innovations for both home and work, with a team of 1300 employees. The company offers security solutions to strengthen the country’s critical infrastructure, the largest fibre-optic internet infrastructure in Latvia, reliable and high-quality TV, internet, electricity and e-commerce services, as well as integrated IT&T solutions for businesses in Latvia and in export markets. Tet creates the most innovative technological solutions in IT security, develops OTT services and produces original TV content. In quantum technology development, Tet’s main focus is to test and develop solutions in the medical and financial fields. The Tet Group also includes subsidiaries Citrus Solutions, Helio Media and Baltic Computer Academy. Read more:

LUMII logo

Latvijas Universitātes Matemātikas un informātikas institūts

LU MII ir Latvijas vadošais datorzinātņu un matemātikas pētniecības institūts, kurā strādā vairāk nekā 100 pētnieku. Institūts ir arī nozīmīgs interneta pakalpojumu sniedzējs (SigmaNet), izstrādājis un nodrošina lielākos pētniecības iestādēm pieejamos augstas veiktspējas mākoņdatošanas pakalpojumus Latvijā, kā arī ir starptautiskā GÉANT tīkla Latvijas pārstāvniecības un piekļuves punkts. Latvijas nacionālā un valsts kiberdrošības komanda CERT.LV atrodas LUMII paspārnē. Viens no LU MII pētniecības virzieniem ir kvantu tehnoloģijas un, lai ieviestu jaunus kvantu kriptogrāfijas risinājumus, ir jāizstrādā un jāpielāgo skaitļošanas infrastruktūrai vispiemērotākos programmatūras rīkus, kā arī jāattīsta esošās kriptogrāfijas tehnikas izmantošana Latvijā.
LUMII ir plaša pieredze dažādu pētniecības projektu sekmīgā vadīšanā un visa nepieciešamā tehniskā un administratīvā infrastruktūra projekta aktivitāšu īstenošanai kvalitatīvi un atbilstoši projekta mērķiem un uzdevumiem īstenos zinātniski pētnieciskās aktivitātes.

Electronic Communications Office of Latvia

SJSC “Elektroniskie sakari” (VASES) is a state capital company that ensures efficient management of the country’s limited resources (radio frequency spectrum and numbering) and approval of technical projects for the installation of radio equipment, creating the conditions for the development of the electronic communications market in accordance with the interests of society and the state, as well as providing high added value and quality commercial services.
One of the main objectives of VASES within the project is to investigate the possibility of integrating QKD networks into different wireless communication systems, while testing and evaluating the impact of different system configuration parameters on data transmission quality performance. Based on the growth and development trends of wireless technologies, the prototype experimental communication network will implement several scenarios with two widely used wireless technologies – 5G and Wi-Fi.  Based on the results of the research carried out by VASES, it will be possible to assess the resilience of the experimental network to external factors such as radio interference) as well as the impact of internal factors (signal modulation, frequency band, data rate, etc.) on the overall performance of the experimental network.
The results will allow to draw conclusions and prepare proposals on standardisation and conformity assessment of QKD devices related to their integration in various wireless communication systems.  The integration of quantum technologies in wireless networks is expected to improve the security of data transmission, enable the development of new services and contribute to the continuity of service availability.