The traceability system for tobacco products is an EU monitoring system for the production and distribution of tobacco products that allows to trace each stage of the tobacco life cycle from the manufacturing facility to the retail outlet. Such traceability allows the national supervisory bodies to trace legal tobacco products from the point of their origin. The Latvian State Radio and Television Centre (hereinafter, the LVRTC) ensures the generation and issue of unique codes pursuant to Cabinet Regulation No. 155 “Regulations Regarding the Traceability System for Tobacco Products” of 9 April 2019, and the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/574.
Why a traceability system is needed for tobacco products
This system ensures that the circulation of tobacco products complies with the requirements of Article 8 of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products ratified by the European Union.
The identifiers of economic operators and objects are published in offline files on the LVRTC website.
Each trader, importer and another economic operator must receive information about its economic operator identifier code (EOID) and facility identifier code (FID). This information will be required to cooperate with delivery partners.