We offer various data connections between Riga and Stockholm*.
We offer:
- Data transmission channels with speeds from 100Mbps to 10Gbit/s (MPLS VPN)
- Data transmission channels with speeds from 10Gb/s to 10Gbit/s (OTN)
- Lease of 100Ghz (C-Band) optical wavelengths according to ITU recommendations
- Channel quality and performance tests
- Shorter delays (latency) between Riga and Stockholm.
- Monitoring of services
- Quality services
- 24/7 troubleshooting
- 24/7 customer support
*The service is available between Equanix Data Center SK1, Stockholm, Mariehällsvägen 36, and the LVRTC Data Centre, Riga, Zaķusalas krastmala 1