ProjectsUnified Cybersecurity Infrastructure

Unified Cybersecurity Infrastructure


This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund. 

Total Project Cost: 

  • Total Funding: EUR 4,350,000 (including flexible funding of EUR 686,104) 
  • European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Contribution: EUR 3,697,500 (including flexible funding of EUR 583,189) 
  • Private Co-financing: at least EUR 652,500 (including flexible funding of EUR 102,915

Project Timeline: 

The project is set to be completed by December 31, 2029.

Project Overview: 

The “Unified Cybersecurity Infrastructure” project is developed to meet the requirements of Latvia’s National Cybersecurity Law, aiming to provide services to the clients of the State Electronic Communications Service Center (VESPC) under the framework of the Cabinet of Ministers’ instruction No. 5 dated November 8, 2022, “Procedures for Ensuring the State Electronic Communications Service Center.” 

The main objective of this project is to protect the information and communication technology infrastructure of VESPC clients and to offer enhanced resilience through robust cybersecurity services. 

Currently, LVRTC employs various cybersecurity technologies, such as firewalls, DDoS protection, and network application firewalls. This project will integrate and automate these technologies, increase team capacity, and acquire additional technologies to create a cohesive, integrated system functioning as a Security Operations Center (SOC), providing 24/7 support to clients. 

The integrated services will offer VESPC clients managed and comprehensive cybersecurity incident prevention, analytics, and incident management solutions. These new services will enhance organizational cyber resilience and include training opportunities for employees using one of the cyber range platform modules.

Project Objectives: 

1. Cyber Defense for VESPC Users: 

  • Provision of equipment and software for implementing vulnerability management and virtual machine security services. 
  • Acquisition, implementation, and utilization of resources for the Logically unified data center (LVDC) cloud services. 
  • Procurement of additional technical resources for the cyber range and SOC needs. 
  • Acquisition of LVDC cloud services and related infrastructure to ensure the operational needs of the cyber range and SOC.

2. Provision of Equipment and Software for Internal Network Security:

  • Purchase, setup, configuration, and maintenance of the cyber range platform software (licenses).

4. Provision of Software for Security Services with Sensors and Monitoring:

  • Purchase, setup, configuration, and maintenance of the SOC platform (licenses).
  • Purchase of additional SOC modules (cyber threat intelligence, advanced detection and response (XDR), vulnerability identification and assessment, PIM/PAM) software (licenses).

National Monitoring Indicators for the Project: 

  • Output Indicator: By December 31, 2029, a comprehensive cybersecurity solution will be implemented within the SOC framework. 
  • Result Indicator: Collection of cybersecurity data for analysis from SOC user devices, targeting 15,000 devices.

The achievement of the result indicator will be measured based on the report provided by the funding recipient to the cooperation institution, detailing the status of the unified cybersecurity infrastructure implementation and the number of SOC user system devices from which data is collected for analysis during the specified period. The target value for the result indicator must be achieved within two years after the final project payment, not exceeding the maximum implementation term of December 31, 2029.